Circuits, tours and safaris: discover the world in freedom

Discover a foreign country in one trip and at your own pace, is possible thanks to the formulas offered by some travel agencies including autotour, tours and safari. Plane ticket, accommodation, transportation and tour included in the same formula and you can live your adventure as you wish.

Discover wild life in the middle of nature

To complete your trip, you can go on safari in Africa using to discover many unusual animal and plant species in some of the most incredible places in the world. It is possible with the safari package offered by the travel agency of your choice if your destination is located in one of the places planned for this practice (South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya, etc ...). Thanks to this formula, your stays will be complete and allow you to keep many memories.

Discover the world in freedom with a well traced circuit

When we say "tours", we mean all the offers included in the formula proposed by the travel agency to facilitate your trip to the foreign country of your choice. This circuit brings together several points: on the one hand, everything about the smooth running of the stay, i.e. the plane ticket, accommodation, transport, meals, etc ..., and on the other hand, the program to follow and the places to visit. All this is included in a global budget of circuits paid to the agency.

Live an adventure in autonomy thanks to the autotours

If you do not wish to be accompanied by a foreigner who will be at your disposal during your stay in a foreign country, the best option for you is the self-drive tours which allow you to make your discoveries in complete freedom, in autonomy and without any schedule or program to respect. You will have at your disposal a rental car for all your travels whether it is in the different accommodations that the travel agency has planned for you or for all the visits you would make, without any constraint of time or organization, in short in complete freedom. It should be noted that in general, the car rental and fuel costs are at your expense and are not included in the overall budget of your tour, and in addition the visits to sites also planned in the circuit are limited both in entry fees and meals. To choose this formula, you must already be a regular traveler and choose a country with good road infrastructure.

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